Thursday, June 30, 2011

Haley Joel Osment STILL sees dead people!

"The Sixth Sense" star is now doomed to see dead people forever as he takes one of the lead roles in the 2012 adaptation of the novel "Wake the Dead" written by Steven Niles. "Wake the Dead" was a graphic novel based off Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," the single most important horror film EVER! For those of you that don't know, Frankenstein started the horror movie phenomenon! "Wake the Dead" focuses on two medical students that try and bring back the dead. Osment plays one of the students, Victor Franklin. Article on Osment and "Wake the Dead" here.

I'm thinking that Haley Joel Osment got stuck into Sci-Fy/Fanatasy type roles in his most notable movies, The Sixth Sense and AI, and it appears that "Wake the Dead" won't be any different. He has also been in "Second Hand Lions" and "Pay It Forward," both pretty sad movies. Haley Joel Osment is also known for voicing Sora in the hit video game produced by Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts. He has voiced Sora in the first and second games as well as all of the spin-off games such as "Birth By Sleep," "368/2 Days," "Recoded," and "Chain of Memories." It's safe to say, though, that Osment has mostly participated in Fantasy type projects. Here is a list of projects he has been on.

For those of you that don't know, Kingdom Hearts is a mix of Disney and Final Fantasy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Charlie Sheen to be killed off!

That's right! The U.S. Government is having Charlie "Sheen killed because he is a menace to society! Nah, just kidding... The "Two and a Half Men" star is being "killed off" in the upcoming season and being replaced by none other than Ashton Kutcher! Full story here.

Poor Charlie Sheen. How would YOU feel if they killed off your character in a sitcom? I would be devastated! I guess it could be worse... they could make you listen to Rebecca Black's "Friday" over and over again!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Making Money for an ugly dog. Who would have thought?

On June 27th, a 14 year old Chinese crested-Chihuahua mix named Yoda won the honor of being the ugliest dog at the 23rd annual contest at the Sonoma-Marin fair in Petaluma, CA. His owner also won $1000 for his ugly dog! What got him this title was his small tufts of hair, protruding tongue, and long, seemingly hairless legs! I guess that's enough to be the ugliest dog... The full story here.

That's one ugly dog, for sure, but I don't know if it qualifies as the ugliest dog i've ever seen! There are plenty of other ugly dogs, and people, in the world. Apparently, they weren't at this contest though. That's good for Yoda and his owner! Yoda gets the title and his owner got $1000! I don't know if getting that title is really an honor or a slap in the face...

I still think this guy holds the world title, though. That's some demonic shizzle!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Green is the new awesome!

The Green Lantern film was amazing! Granted, it was no Thor, but it was up there as far as the caliber of superhero movies go. Better than Spiderman, not as good as Thor... so somewhere in between there! The Green Lantern focuses on a pilot named Hal Jordon (Ryan Reynolds) who is basically an irresponsible guy given the greatest responsibility in the universe! An alien, Abin Sur, crash lands on Earth and with his dying breath bestows Reynolds with the ring. Reynolds goes through a few twists and turns(literally) as the ring takes him wherever it wants to go. Rather, where he NEEDS to go. After he gets into a street fight and fights all the thugs off with his ring, he is taken to the home planet where The Guardians of the Universe reside along with the rest of The Green Lantern Corp. It is there that some 2000 Green Lanterns gather for meetings and such. There is one Green Lantern for each sector' of the Universe. There are some freaky looking Lanterns, for sure, the silliest among those, a bee!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Do's and Don't's of Dog Fights

 Random blog post I know, but we all need to know about dog fighting! Besides, my German Shepherd and Black Lab got into a fight yesterday and fought for like 15 minutes straight, so I may be able to give you some pointers. It was ridiculous! Kind of like watching one of my wrestling matches, but longer!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Gene Simmons: Family Jewels

No, i'm not going to show Gene Simmons' family jewels on my blog... i'm sure if you're smart enough to get to my blog, you're smart enough to find some kind of suggestive picture like that! lol. Basically, there is this reality show on A&E called Gene Simmons: Family Jewels. It started back in 2006, following Simmons, his wife, Shannon Tweed, and his two children, Nick and Sophie. Sophie has gone to college amidst this last season of the show, but continuously came back to "check" on her parents, who were having problems of their own. Simmons, the KISS sensation, likes to "Rock and Roll All Night and Party Everyday," whereas Tweed only likes to party "some of every day." In case you don't know what i'm referring to, it's role models when Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott have the conversation in Rudd's truck.

If you haven't seen this movie, it's hilarious! Drop what you're doing(after reading the blog)and go pick it up!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Amanda Bynes back in the spotlight!

People are finally realizing that Amanda Bynes is, indeed, a super hot celebrity since she has recently been trending throughout the world wide web! She hasn't been a trendy topic for anything, though, for she has publicly announced that she has "No regrets" when posting on her Twitter account. She told People Magazine, "I believe in no regrets. You say what you feel because you felt it at the moment." Thank you, Amanda Bynes, thank you! That is the best piece of advice i've ever heard! More people should think like that! She said she is not comfortable talking about dating, yet she posts 'sexy' pictures on her Twitter. I think it's so funny when people do things like that and don't feel comfortable talking about a simple thing like dating! It boggles my mind. Here is the full article, if you want in on the juicy details.

I didn't know Amanda Bynes was in Maxim! Where was this when I was 13!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Anthony Weiner... the biggest thing since Weiner itself!

For those of you that didn't know, sometime last week, this Democratic Congressman named Anthony Weiner apparently sent a picture of his bulging underwear to all of his Twitter followers. It was quickly taken down as Weiner supposedly meant to send it in a message to a girl. Oh, but not just any girl... a minor! *gasp* He later went on to acknowledge that the exchanging of sexually suggestive messages and pictures were being sent to multiple women.

To me, this photo isn't THAT bad... I mean, i've sent worse! (jk jk... or am i?)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

She gained 20 lbs to be a pornstar!!!

Now a lot of you probably don't know who Kim Cattrall is. I know that I sure didn't when I first saw her. Kim Cattrall plays Samantha Jones as part of the 4 female possy in Sex in the City. I don't particularly like to waste my time caring about Sex in the City, so I never knew who any of the characters were... besides Sarah Jessica Parker, but she has been in a few movies here and there. I wanted to write a blog on this woman simply because I saw that she had gained 20lbs to play the role of a pornstar in her upcoming film, "Meet Monica Velour." I guess it's already out to video according to IMDB.

Also, if I happen to have any Sex in the City fans reading this post, know that they are probably not make a third film in the franchise due to the overwhelming low response to the last film! Again, I could care less... I only found it funny that this woman had to gain 20lbs to be a pornstar! But if you were interested in the article, here it is.

Monday, June 13, 2011

X-men... a truly mind blowing experience!

Once a film about a super hero or a super hero team comes out in theatres, i'm usually the first to see it... lately though, i've been lagging it and not seeing them for at least a week after they come out (ie. Thor). X-men: First Class was no different. My favorite super hero of all time is part of the X-men (Wolverine), so naturally, I was disappointed that I didn't see this movie as soon as it hit theatres! Luckily, however, I did see it yesterday. Yet again, 20th Century Fox fails to address the actual storyline from the comics. When they were asked about this, they simply said that this was an "Alternate Universe," which is a cool excuse... I suppose. I still think that the rights to X-men, as well as Spiderman and the Fantastic Four, should be sold to Marvel so that the films can be made accurately. The original first class of X-men was Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Angel, and Iceman. I guess Magneto and Professor X if you want to count them too. At least they had Beast, so it's 1/5th correct!

Kind of looks like a kitty! But it's Beast, from X-men: First Class!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Captain Jack Sparrow is back!!!

And instead of rum, he is after the waters from the Fountain of Youth in this newest addition to the Pirates of the Carribean series! I'm not going to give too much away, but basically it starts off in London, England where a court case is taking place for the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow. From there, it's just old fashioned Pirates of the Carribean fun! Jack gets captured, Jack escapes, Jack winds up fighting someone... isn't that how it always works?

As most of you have probably seen from the trailers, Barbossa is now captain of a ship in the King's military. My opinion, the look is not Barbossa at all! He still has his scraggly beard and face as well as his bad teeth and untrimmed nails! However, he is not missing his leg. Thankfully, he is still a pirate at heart! One of the funniest parts in the movie was when Barbossa poured himself some rum in a tea cup as opposed to actual tea! Proof that Barbossa was simply using the King's Military as a means to a greater end... and that end is attaining another Pirate ship!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Kitties would use 2500 pennies! Why do humans complain?

Have you ever saved up pennies in hopes that you'd one day be able to pay for something worthwhile? This guy did! Jason West, a man from Utah, tried to pay a $25 medical bill ALL IN PENNIES!!! The interesting thing about this story is that West and the medical facility both have two completely different stories! The facility says that West threw down the pennies and demanded the clerk count them! He, on the other hand, says he never once yelled nor did he demand them to count the pennies. He says he asked if they took cash and only dumped the pennies out after the clerk confirmed. Funny thing was that some of the pennies rolled onto the floor. When West was asked about this, he says, "Such is the nature of pennies. They're round." I love when people pepper the media with common sense! 

Mr. West is now getting sued for 14,000 pennies! Or $140... So dumb how society just made a big deal out of nothing! I think they should just count the pennies and call it a day. Put them back into circulation! That'll save everyone alot of problem and most likely clear up a ton of space in West's Piggy Bank! This is the full story here.

I, for one, think it is very smart to save up that many pennies!

Friday, June 3, 2011

So did I scare you guys?

I was only kidding!!!
Yes yes... it was a cruel joke! I was feeling like having some fun with you guys. It probably would have been better if I didn't post the link to The Onion, though... But no, Prince William and Kate Middleton did NOT get a divorce, it was all just me poking a little fun at you that actually cared :P

But it got ya, right? Comment and tell me if you got a little bit scared? Or even just were convinced my excellent blogging skills!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another Celebrity Couple bites the dust!

After 5 weeks? Really Prince William? He should really screen his fiance before they get married... Here is basically what he had to say. For those of you who don't feel like clicking the link, i'll just explain to you in summary. It's been a little over a month since Prince William and Kate Middleton got married in, what some called, a fairy tale wedding. The prince said it was "a tremendous mistake in every possible regard." William claims to have never loved Middleton AT ALL! Now I don't know about you folks, but if I didn't love someone, I sure as hell wouldn't marry them! He is the one that proposed, after all. And they've been going out for years! I honestly don't know what this guy was thinking...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Would you buy a balloon for 1 million dollars?

Spock (left) Balloon Boy (right). They could be one and the same!

I did not read everything there is to know about this case nor do I intend to, but I know the gist of what it is about so i'll summarize for you. If you want to check it all out for yourself, go ahead and follow this link. This is the story: Two years ago, a family from Fort Collins, Colorado claimed that their six year old son was trapped in a giant balloon that was floating away from their home.

The father called 911 really believing that his son was in the balloon! Apparently he was crying and everything. As you can see from the picture, the National Guard was attempting to rescue this boy as well. After the balloon finally crash landed, rescue specialists searched the balloon but saw no sign of the boy. They feared maybe he had fallen out,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kirstie Alley got skinny with Jenny Craig...

Then she gained it all back! Who does that? "Hey Jim, i'm going to go on a diet and then get depressed so I can gain all the weight back that I worked so hard to lose!" <--- Only a dummy would say that!

I mean, she was HOT before! I mean, look at this! Would you just look at her? She is a vision of perfection... on the right, at least... I guess this is a before and after shot of when she was on Jenny Craig or something. I'm only saying that because they usually show before and after from left to right.

I personally am not sure what happened but she went overboard or something... I mean, it's probably stress or whatever. I know one thing for sure, Jenny Craig was not very happy with this!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thor, God of Thunder, jumps out of the comics and onto the big screen!

(Background from left to right: Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Anthony Hopkins as Odin,  Idris Elba as Heimdall. Front: Chris Hemsworth as Thor)

I saw this movie last week and I never did post about it which is a crying shame because this movie was awesome and all of you deserve to know about it if you haven't already seen it!

This movie revolves around the Thunder God, Thor, from Norse Mythology. Odin and Loki, also from Norse Mythology, are his father and brother respectively. Heimdall is the gatekeeper, guarding the Bifrost. Bifrost is a device that allows travel between realms. All of these Gods live in the mystical realm of Asgard. There are nine different realms including Asgard and Jotunheim, home to the Frost Giants. Midgard is the realm where Earth is. The characters and realms were adapted as apart of Marvel by Stan Lee in 1962.

The movie opens showing the Frost Giants' invasion of Midgard and the Asgardians intervention. Each side suffered great losses, but the Asgardians eventually pushed the Frost Giants back to their homeland, Jotunheim. A truce was made and there was unstable peace between the two realms.

Thor has come a long way since the 60's

Travel between the two realms is possible due to a "Rainbow Bridge" connected to a device known as "Bifrost." Like previously stated, Heimdall is the gatekeeper that guards the Bifrost and is the only one that can operate it using his sword.

The Rainbow Road leading to the Bifrost

The real action starts when Thor is outraged because some of the Frost Giants have entered into Asgard and tried to steal away the source of the Frost Giant's power that Odin had attained

Sunday, May 22, 2011


So a couple of days ago, I talked about the Ohio man shooting off his girlfriend's croch and I joked that she probably had teeth growing in her Vagina! I also posted a movie poster and a clip from that movie. I didn't realize Vagina Dentata was a real condition, but after doing some research, I found out it actually is!

Add a cat and it's always funnier!

Now just because someone has Vagina Dentata, doesn't mean that they have a Vagina with a mind of it's own! That is to say, it's not going to go around biting off people's penis', or fingers like we saw in that one clip on my blog from Thursday. This woman here explains it beautifully:

Now this video is 5 minutes long, so if you don't want to watch the whole thing, allow me to summarize it. Vagina Dentata is a disorder that only affects 1 out of 12 million women! Crazy, right? You wouldn't think it's that much, but we have Billions of people living on this planet! When a woman has Vagina Dentata,

Saturday, May 21, 2011

H-Hey God! You forgot someone!!!

I bet that some of you thought I had been taken up to Heaven because I didn't post first thing in the morning, huh? Nope... I must either be a sinner or that little schmuck that predicted this is exactly that, a schmuck! In fact, I haven't heard of anyone being taken up to Heaven yet! I think we are all sinners! We're going to burn in the fire's of God's rage towards humanity! ... NOT! I'm sure there is at least one pure human soul in this world that is a devout follower of Jesus Christ and Christianity. At least one person would be saved! Job well done :)

Ok, so nothing happened and we're all still here and i'm sure you'll all wondering why the hell we listen to crazy religious nuts all the time! Because I believe that those crazy religious nuts are a constant reminder that if we band together and all believe in the same idea, then we can accomplish anything! Ok ok, kind of corny... so sue me! I'm just that awesome that i'm not afraid to express myself :P

No Zombie Apocalypse... dang it! I was so looking forward to bashing in some zombie heads with a baseball bat or slicing off their heads with a Katana! I'm such an action hero! lol. Here's to hoping that one day I may get the chance to see my skills in action! Any comments or discussion about this May 21st hokey pokey? I'm more than open for discussion.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Judgement Day... May 21st, 2011

Some of you may know and some of you may not, but i'm here to tell you that May 21st, 2011 is the day that God has designated as Judgement Day. When I first heard people saying that May 21st was going to be Judgement Day, I simply chuckled and indulged in their conversation. I asked where they had heard it and they said some guy just decided it... I don't know if they were just foolish or if they truly had no idea that this "guy" was God himself. Well, it was actually this dude, Harold Camping on the radio, but they have a lot of evidence to support their theory.

I was researching this phenomenon and I came across this site with a lot of statements and a lot of scriptures to back up those statements. Apparently, tomorrow is the day that God comes down and takes with him to Heaven his chosen people.

1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ohio man finally put to death after 27 years

On May 17th, 2011, a man convicted of killing his ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend back in 1984 was finally put to death by lethal injection. He was the fourth person this year to be put to death in the state of Ohio. My opinion, they probably should have killed this scumbag years ago... The full story is here.

It kind of brought a tear to my eye when I read the first part of this article cause here you have a guy that is strapped down to a gurney telling his daughter that he loves her! And not only that! She says it back! As well as his "Pen Pal" who wrote to him while he was in jail. That, to me, is sad. However, I am quite the romantic at heart and I think that some of my views are a little more out there than most... However, most of you are just like "Shut up about this romantic bullsh*t and go on with your blog!"

                                   We all start learning about Romance at a young age! It's not my fault!

Ok, ok, so i'm going... Basically, he was in the house waiting for his ex girlfriend and her boyfriend to get home and was armed with a pistol and shotgun. Ok, first thing... why do you have to have a pistol

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Looks like Batman needed Robin in this beatdown!

We all know and love Batman! We grew up with Batman. He is part of the Justice League along with others including Wonder Woman, Super Man, Aquaman, etc... He continues to be a very inspirational figure in our lives, especially with the latest series of movies being produced with Batman star, Christian Bale. I speak for a lot of other people, i'm sure, when I say that Batman makes me want to become a vigilante and fight crime!

So apparently, Batman was visiting the Vegas Strip and didn't have any of his gadgets with him... nor did he have Robin or any of the Justice League to have his back. Basically, some thug comes out of nowhere and challenges Batman. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but the dude was getting in Batman's face and Batman pushed him. Oh, it was on! Batman doesn't push people, for one, he punches them. You should see the way he fights too... He fights like a girl! I was very disappointed in Batman when I saw this video. It almost made me cry...

Reactions? Crying yet? I am...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs creator... ASK ME ABOUT MY WIENER!!!

Murray Handwerker was 89 when he died on Saturday in Flordia. It's crazy to think that this guy became an entrepreneur from selling hot dogs... It's even crazier to think that his father started off as a tiny hot dog stand in Coney Island! Full story here.

I think that this guy was the original man who ran around in a hot dog suit screaming at the top of his lungs... "ASK ME ABOUT MY WIENER!!!" And don't even get me started about his last name... Handwerker... "Hand Worker." What did he work with his hands, I wonder? Was it hot dogs or some other kind of wiener??? I am not sure, but what I do know is that whatever he did, he became a millionaire! I want to be a master Handwerker!!!
I seriously think he may be better than Jonah Hill in Accepted (2006).

You know what Handwerker's favorite hot dog was??? A Nathan's Famous Hot Dog, of course! But with what on it? Ketchup? Mustard? Relish and Onions??? NOOOO!!! He just liked it plain. Boring, huh? And still, this boring guy was able to make millions of dollars off this franchise! 

This is the kind of Hot Dog I would advertise!

No, not really... but it would get more publicity than just a plain hot dog, in my opinion :P

So, if this guy can get millions of dollars off hot dogs, I want you all to tell me what your brilliant idea is to make money and become a millionaire! The sillier comments the better!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Don't let the bed bugs bite... SERIOUSLY!

To be fair, this isn't an actual bed bug... but it looks scarier than an actual one! So I was browsing and I found a story that is very interesting... Apparently, Bed Bugs have been found to carry disease! And not just any disease... but a drug-resistant disease!!! Bed Bugs have never been known to carry any form of disease ever before, so why now? My Professor's guess is Armageddon! I would have to agree with him. It only makes sense! The disease the bugs are carrying is probably the T-VIRUS!!! ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!! I told you all! I didn't think it would be bed bugs that spread the disease, though...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Terminator... Gets Terminated!

He looks PISSED! I wouldn't want to meet him looking like this. It looks like he is ready to Terminate someone!

At least their marriage has! Arnold  Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver split up yesterday after a 25 year marriage, not including the extra 9 years they had been together before that! Supposedly, there had been problems in the marriage since 2003, when Schwarzenegger announced he'd be running for governor. Not only did he announce it on The Tonight Show to Jay Leno, but he didn't even consult his wife about it first! That was his first mistake...

Aw, the happy couple 25 years ago. I think Schwarzenegger looks the same now!

Supposedly, Shriver wanted to end it in 2009, but didn't because her mother died. She wanted to end it again earlier this year, but then her father died. I guess the end of the governator's term was finally enough to push her over the edge. If divorce wasn't bad enough, Schwarzenegger's own kids

Monday, May 9, 2011


Sorry everybody, I have been gone for oh so long and I am very sad... I missed the infamous Osama Bin Laden being gunned down and I missed Mother's Day! Dang it! I also missed The Royal Wedding, but I really don't care about anything that happens halfway around the world... That's a lie, let me rephrase... I don't care if it's just a wedding!

My 12 year old brother calls Osama "The 2001-2011 Hide-and-Seek Champ." lol.

This is a disturbing picture... but i found it funny as well!

As most of you may or may not know, many food establishments across the country had specials last week and some even running into this week to commemorate the death of this "Dickhead." 

"Restaurants were also jumping on the public euphoria surrounding bin Laden’s death by offering drink and food specials to patrons.
Seattle-based coffee house, Candi Shack, is offering cups of java for $1 as their “Osama bin Laden Shot In The Dark” special.
Prominent Cincinnati restaurateur Jeff Ruby is giving away free glasses of champagne to every guest at some of his high-end steakhouses. Ruby, who captured some notoriety four years ago when he refused to serve O.J. Simpson at his Louisville, Kentucky location, said the special was an emotional response to witnessing the news of bin Laden’s killing on TV.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

“I flew a football field length in a bath tub”

Just one question... How are you still ALIVE!!! Wow... This woman was picked up by a tornado in North Carolina and flew the lenght of a FOOTBALL field and is STILL alive! Full story here.

Who does she think she is? Indiana Jones??? Except he used a refrigerator, but it was an exceptionally worse situation... he was dealing with a nuclear explosion...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Charlie Sheen's Sex Goddess has lost her status!

Bree Olson "Ex Sex Goddess." Finding half naked pics of this chick is easy. That's what google is for! I know that's what you guys are doing right now... and with the Safe Search "off" no less! My readers are horn dogs xD

This is Bree Olson, adult film star and Charlie Sheen's Ex Sex Goddess. Apparently, she broke up with him via text message. He confirmed this at one of his stage shows on April 23rd at Fort Lauderdale. 1) I give Charlie Sheen major props for being so apathetic of his break up... at least that's how he appeared. 2) It seems like Charlie Sheen, 45, is a little too old for Bree Olson, 24. Just a little link about it here.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rebecca Black is going places!!!

Didn't I tell you guys? The first post on my blog told you that I predicted Rebecca Black would go places!!! According to this article on TMZ's website, Rebecca Black is already slated for 5 more songs! Also according to the article, that puts her a step ahead of Tay Zonday, the ever famous youtube dude who sang "Chocolate Rain," which I thought was a funny song and also got 65 million views!!! Granted, it's been more than three years this song has been on the net, but still impressive... However, compared to Rebecca Black's song "Friday" with 119 Million views in only 2 months... who do you think wins? Regardless, I'll be happy if my blog gets 65 million views in more than three years :)

"Chocolate Rain" by Tay Zonday

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Aliens are among us!!!

And no... i'm not talking about illegal immigrants! I mean actual ALIENS!!! There have been many UFO sightings throughout our history and there have even been movies made about alien abductions and such. The film and t.v industry have obviously used this to their advantage by making movies to illustrate this concept, most well known would perhaps be War of the Worlds, first written as a series of two books in 1898 by H. G. Wells.