Friday, June 17, 2011

Gene Simmons: Family Jewels

No, i'm not going to show Gene Simmons' family jewels on my blog... i'm sure if you're smart enough to get to my blog, you're smart enough to find some kind of suggestive picture like that! lol. Basically, there is this reality show on A&E called Gene Simmons: Family Jewels. It started back in 2006, following Simmons, his wife, Shannon Tweed, and his two children, Nick and Sophie. Sophie has gone to college amidst this last season of the show, but continuously came back to "check" on her parents, who were having problems of their own. Simmons, the KISS sensation, likes to "Rock and Roll All Night and Party Everyday," whereas Tweed only likes to party "some of every day." In case you don't know what i'm referring to, it's role models when Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott have the conversation in Rudd's truck.

If you haven't seen this movie, it's hilarious! Drop what you're doing(after reading the blog)and go pick it up!

Anyway, getting back to the Family Jewels... Apparently a conversation between Simmons and Tweed took place last season where Tweed basically called Simmons out on his "womanizing" Simmons told TV Guide Magazine earlier this year, "I'm not Perfect. I've got lots of warts on me." No no, he doesn't mean Herpes(I think), he is just referring to the amount of problems he has in his life(again, I think). Tweed goes on to say, "Oh, we're going to show lots of warts this year." Is anybody else uncomfortable with where this conversation is going? lol. Here is the article, my children, if it so interests you.

I think I would probably smile like this too! I prefer to think of the glass half full :)

Simmons and Tweed are trying to work out their problems, which is good. Tweed said she had remained semi-reserved on the show for the first three years because of the kids. Now that Sophie was in college(not sure about Nick), it was time for the gloves to come off! Tweed said something that I absolutely 100% agree with. "A lot of couples stay together for the children. I think it's an obligation that parents have... You made a commitment, you had children, you should see it through." I suppose there are certain cases, like spousal abuse or whatever... but you don't get divorced just because you get bored! What really set Tweed off about this whole thing was the fact that Simmons missed a family function and was photographed the same day leaving a restaurant with two other women. That is kind of a douche move... Shame, Gene Simmons, shame...

Regardless of such womanizing on Gene Simmons' part, I don't think he can expect to lose fans over this mishap. He is in KISS for crying out loud! They had great songs!

I leave you, my dear children, with a preview of the movie you're going to go buy right after you finish this blog! By reading the blog, you promised!

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