Monday, June 13, 2011

X-men... a truly mind blowing experience!

Once a film about a super hero or a super hero team comes out in theatres, i'm usually the first to see it... lately though, i've been lagging it and not seeing them for at least a week after they come out (ie. Thor). X-men: First Class was no different. My favorite super hero of all time is part of the X-men (Wolverine), so naturally, I was disappointed that I didn't see this movie as soon as it hit theatres! Luckily, however, I did see it yesterday. Yet again, 20th Century Fox fails to address the actual storyline from the comics. When they were asked about this, they simply said that this was an "Alternate Universe," which is a cool excuse... I suppose. I still think that the rights to X-men, as well as Spiderman and the Fantastic Four, should be sold to Marvel so that the films can be made accurately. The original first class of X-men was Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Angel, and Iceman. I guess Magneto and Professor X if you want to count them too. At least they had Beast, so it's 1/5th correct!

Kind of looks like a kitty! But it's Beast, from X-men: First Class!

What basically happens in this movie is that the CIA is after this organization known as "The Hellfire Club." To those of you that know the Marvel Universe, you will recognize this as the club whose members are among Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw. There are also two other members in this movie that are mutants and part of the Hellfire Club. One is Hurricane, one who can make tornados with his hands, and the other is this one German demon-like guy, Azazel, who looks like Nightcrawler and has the same powers, but is red. I don't know for sure, but i'm guessing that Azazel and Mystique get it one to make Nightcrawler. It would make sense... Mystique is blue and Azazel teleports. This fact was never made true in the comics, though there were hints, but the cartoon series has capitalized that Mystique is, indeed, Nightcrawler's mother. His father was never disclosed, but it looks like now we know!

Azazel from X-men First Class

So this female member of the CIA, Moria McTaggart, who is supposed to be scottish but isn't in the movie, infiltrates The Hellfire Club. She learns of their plans to place missles in Turkey to make the Soviet Union uneasy.... Sebastian Shaw then gets the Russian military to place missles in Cuba and ALMOST starts a war. Fortunately, the X-men prevent it... Magneto kills Shaw and all is well... for the most part. It is at this point at the end of the movie that Magneto gets Mystique to join his side as opposed to Professor X's. The movie ends with Magneto breaking Emma Frost out of prison. There is NO scene at the end of the credits, so don't waste your time staying!

Nightcrawler from X2. There is a resemblance!

In the comics/cartoons, Emma Frost had much less clothing on. When she is first introduced in the movie is normally how she looks all the time. I couldn't find a picture, so that one will have to do!

Sebastian Shaw and Emma Frost

Overall, the movie was a solid 9 out of 10 for me. It had the action and the adventure, I felt. The thing that sucks about most superhero movies is that after you see them, it makes you want to be a superhero too! Or is that just me?

My major beef with this movie is that it didn't follow the comic books! I know the producer and director said it was an Alternate Universe, but I don't care about that! And neither do a lot of other people! The first class in this movie was made up of Mystique, Havoc (Cyclops' YOUNGER brother), Darwin, Banshee, Beast, and Angel... not the Angel from the original First Class... but a stripper that Professor X and Magneto find. She has fairy wings, shoots fireballs from her mouth, and her actual mutant name is Tempest. Why they called her Angel in this movie is beyond me! Maybe a half-ass attempt to put the original first class together? I don't know...

Just to harass 20th Century Fox even more... Banshee was in the second movie and appeared as a student in the X-mansion. Also, why does Beast disappear in the first movie and not appear again until the second? They didn't plan their movies out very well. Kind of like how Nightcrawler came in the second movie and didn't stick around for the third. 20th Century Fox does it so wrong that it almost makes me want to cut myself....

Of course, this is how I cut myself :P

It's funny... when Professor X starts using Cerebro to find mutants, he comes across Wolverine in a bar. Wolverine is a bad-ass and tells Professor X and Magneto to simply "Fuck off." That was his only line in the movie! It was great! I'm glad they had him in it, though... made the movie that much better! You know, if Marvel does get the rights to X-men and remakes the movie, they should still keep Hugh Jackman on as Wolverine. I don't know who else could do a better job of playing him! Though I will admit that if Marvel gets ahold of X-men, then Disney who owns Marvel will probably reduce Hugh Jackman's bad-ass factor.

1 comment:

  1. Well I still want to see X-men but I was really hoping that the real Angel was going to be in it. Oh well, the new one is pretty hot though.
