Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Anthony Weiner... the biggest thing since Weiner itself!

For those of you that didn't know, sometime last week, this Democratic Congressman named Anthony Weiner apparently sent a picture of his bulging underwear to all of his Twitter followers. It was quickly taken down as Weiner supposedly meant to send it in a message to a girl. Oh, but not just any girl... a minor! *gasp* He later went on to acknowledge that the exchanging of sexually suggestive messages and pictures were being sent to multiple women.

To me, this photo isn't THAT bad... I mean, i've sent worse! (jk jk... or am i?)

I didn't post to talk about Anthony Weiner... although i'm sure you all love to talk abou Weiner, (ZING!) but seriously, I was just looking at this one story and apparently they have created a sexting inspired Weiner Doll! The doll is made in two versions; Censored and Uncensored. The Censored doll is $39.95 whereas the Uncensored doll is $10 more! Leave it to America to make a scandal like this into a profit! Is nothing sacred anymore??? It's kind of Ironic that a scandal is happening like this with a guy who's last name is Weiner...

Silly American toy manufacturing company.

This Article explains that Weiner has been given a 2 week leave of absense while he goes to find treatment... I say, treatment for what? I totally disagree with everyone on this issue. I think that everyone is overreacting! Anthony Weiner has no sickness, aside from cheating on his super hot wife. Even if we want to look at it that way, he isn't really cheating if he isn't doing anything physical with other women. I still think he is a pig for doing this stuff despite his wife, but hey... what men haven't made mistakes in their lives? Besides, that would be for them to work out. I don't think his congressional position should be put in jepardy, but that's just me. America finds a way to blow everything out of proportion.

Weiner and his SUPER HOT WIFE! There is just something about super skinny foreign looking girls...

President Obama even said that Weiner should resign. Don't even get me started... I hate the whole Republican and Democrat system. I hate how we all can't just get along. Those of you that are my friend on facebook know that under my "Political Party" views, I have "Freedom." Much like William Wallace, that is truly what I believe in. Freedom to decide what is right and what is wrong based on your morals and beliefs. A person may be more conservative sometime and more liberal other times. That's what I am.


What do all of you think? Care to shed some light on, what I consider, to be a pointless political system? I welcome all challenges to try and sway my political beliefs. But what do you think should have happened? Did the whole situation get way out of hand or do you think this is fair? Should Weiner resign?

Just for kicks...

Looks like the President and I have something in common xD

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