Monday, May 9, 2011


Sorry everybody, I have been gone for oh so long and I am very sad... I missed the infamous Osama Bin Laden being gunned down and I missed Mother's Day! Dang it! I also missed The Royal Wedding, but I really don't care about anything that happens halfway around the world... That's a lie, let me rephrase... I don't care if it's just a wedding!

My 12 year old brother calls Osama "The 2001-2011 Hide-and-Seek Champ." lol.

This is a disturbing picture... but i found it funny as well!

As most of you may or may not know, many food establishments across the country had specials last week and some even running into this week to commemorate the death of this "Dickhead." 

"Restaurants were also jumping on the public euphoria surrounding bin Laden’s death by offering drink and food specials to patrons.
Seattle-based coffee house, Candi Shack, is offering cups of java for $1 as their “Osama bin Laden Shot In The Dark” special.
Prominent Cincinnati restaurateur Jeff Ruby is giving away free glasses of champagne to every guest at some of his high-end steakhouses. Ruby, who captured some notoriety four years ago when he refused to serve O.J. Simpson at his Louisville, Kentucky location, said the special was an emotional response to witnessing the news of bin Laden’s killing on TV.
“It was me getting emotional over that (OJ), just like with Osama,” admitted Ruby, who will be running the deal for the rest of the week and ordered an additional 40 cases of champagne to meet the demand. “Let’s just give a toast that this is over, at least this chapter of this evil murderer, and let’s celebrate the end of that guy and that he’s out of our lives.”
In Chicago, the Filter cafe is promoting “Bin Laden’s Remains”, a dish that includes a pita stuffed with steak, grilled onions, tomatoes, Swiss cheese and a side of “freedom fries” for $8.50." 
I think my favorite one is the last one... "Bin Laden's Remains." Sounds good. I wish I could have one! Perhaps i'll make it and claim the idea as my own... My mother will never know since she NEVER READS MY BLOG!!!!!! 
See, that's my mother BREAKING MY HEART!!!

Just kidding, mom. I don't personify you as someone who stabs me with a Katana :)

Anyway, back to what I was talking about... Osama... Being dead. Food specials! Hurray! 

Just for the sake of hilarity, I will post this picture as well that depicts Osama as Golem from LOTR trilogy 

True, right? He did hide out in caves for ten years...

Another thing i'd like to point out is that Osama was killed by NAVY SEALS!!! And people wonder why I want to be a Navy Seal.... I get to carry a gun and kill terrorists, duh! It's Call of Duty fo realz! If you would like to know what happen to Osama but have not checked into it in the past week that i've been gone, here is the full story.

Who still believes that 9/11 was a conspiracy theory? I will punch you in the face! ... If i can trace your IP Address, which I can't. I'm not Big Daddy!

Big Daddy traces Kick Ass' IP Address

However, Big Daddy and Hit Girl might find you and kick your ass, so drop all the pathetic "9/11 was a government conspiracy" bull crap! 

If you would like, you can rate my post 5 stars just for fun or you can have a serious conversation with me on what you think about this whole situation. And hey, let me know if you know of any food specials in your area! 

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