Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ohio man finally put to death after 27 years

On May 17th, 2011, a man convicted of killing his ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend back in 1984 was finally put to death by lethal injection. He was the fourth person this year to be put to death in the state of Ohio. My opinion, they probably should have killed this scumbag years ago... The full story is here.

It kind of brought a tear to my eye when I read the first part of this article cause here you have a guy that is strapped down to a gurney telling his daughter that he loves her! And not only that! She says it back! As well as his "Pen Pal" who wrote to him while he was in jail. That, to me, is sad. However, I am quite the romantic at heart and I think that some of my views are a little more out there than most... However, most of you are just like "Shut up about this romantic bullsh*t and go on with your blog!"

                                   We all start learning about Romance at a young age! It's not my fault!

Ok, ok, so i'm going... Basically, he was in the house waiting for his ex girlfriend and her boyfriend to get home and was armed with a pistol and shotgun. Ok, first thing... why do you have to have a pistol
 AND a shotgun? You're not going to storm an enemy stronghold or anything like that! Second, why do you have to go back to the ex girlfriend after you've already killed her and shoot her groin off with the shotgun? That's just overkill... but he does have a sense of humor at least... now nobody could go all necro on her! Unless her vagina looked like this, then he'd be doing some guy a favor...

Movie Poster from Teeth

If that were the case, she probably should have listened to THIS guy...

"Talk to your gynecologist OR dentist immidately"

And just for fun, i'll put this hilarious clip from "Teeth." This guy gets what he deserves, much like our Ohio patron over here:

Ok ok, enough of that! As funny as it was, let's get back to the dead Ohio man. Basically, he went overkill on his little escapade and didn't bother to try and make it discreet or anything. Guess he wanted to die :P

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