Friday, April 1, 2011

Ray William who?

Ray William Johnson, that's who! This guy has been on the internet for awhile! People constantly submit viral videos to him and he reviews 3 of them on every episode he has called =3. He makes 2 videos every week and people love him! He gets over 5 million views on every video he does!

This episode is one that made me laugh pretty damn hard! At least the first and last videos he reviewed... the 2nd video he reviewed, he was just pretty damn cool!

Also, at the end of every video he takes a "Common Question of the Day." Basically, fans ask him a question and he allows for everyone to submit answers to it and then at the end of his video he shows a few answers that he thought was creative and hilarious! He has his own facebook and twitter, so add him!

Watch his videos! Even though this last video I showed was funny, there are plenty of other ones that are equally or even more hilarious than this one! Also, if you're feeling funny and creative, comment on his most recent youtube videos to try and get your answer to the question featured on his next show!

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