Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Carly Fleischmann: Autistic Prodigy

I just read this story that was absolutely heart warming. So this autistic girl from Toronto, Canada was diagnosed with Autism at about age 2. Growing up, she was never able to communicate short of flapping her arms and making humming sounds. People started to diagnose her as mentally retarded as well. Very sad. However, when she turned 11, something amazing happened and she typed her first words on a computer! She has been typing ever since. She even has her own blog: Carly's Voice. This girl even has her own Twitter page! I, for one, am following her because, well, she is AMAZING!!!

The story of this young girl is just so inspirational! Yeah, it was dated back in 2009, but I figured that everyone should know about it even now! It will give you a better appreciation and understand of these people that we just "sign off" as "retarded" or "dumb." I certainly didn't think before now that Autistic people had this kind of thought process. I, for one, agree with her father, though. I could never institutionalize my son or daughter. That is just wrong. What parent does that?

Comments? Reviews? Did this make you cry??? I want to know!

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