Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kittens and Dolphins!!

So what makes these creatures so amazing, you ask? Well, Dolphins always used to be my favorite kind of animal when I was growing up. I've always wanted to visit with them at Sea World, but alas, i've never had the money! I've seen them in certain aquatic shows that they have at Sea World though, and I also saw some in Maui when I went with my mom. The water was so clear, that you could distinctly see them. The boat we were on was doing full speed and the dolphins were keeping up! It was insane! I was hoping to get up close and personal with one when I went snorkling, but I guess none were around :(

I guess since we're on the subject, one of my favorite South Park episodes has to do with dolphins!

This particular one had bad resolution, but you get the idea, lol.

More so than dolphins, that are only sea mammals, kitties are land animals and give much more reason to use them in movies such as The Aristocrats, Homeward Bound, Stuart Little, Oliver & Company, and more recently, Rango. The list goes on and on for movies with cats, but with dolphins, there is very limited capacity, I guess you could say. The only dolphin movies that I recall are Flipper, which was also a television series for a little bit. Dolphins also made Cameo appearances in Free Willy and Finding Nemo, but that's really all I can think of at the moment.

My whole purpose behind this blog was because I asked my friend what I should write about and she suggested kitties and dolphins. Now, at first, I thought this was weird and I don't think she ever expected me to actually write about it. Even at this moment, she is telling me that I shouldn't have taken this seriously, lol. However, she showed me this video and I just had to write about this!

Over 750,000 views in less than a month??? That has WINNING all over it!

Anyway, comment on my lovely post. Tell me, do you like kitties or dolphins best? Own any? I wish I had a dolphin... I did have 5 cats... I think 2 of them ran away when I moved from Brea to Orange, so now I am donw to three!

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