Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Easter Bunny Rocks out on the drums!

Over this past weekend, I saw the movie "Hop." Like most people, when I first saw the preview for this movie, I thought it was just a movie about rabbits. As it got closer, though, I began to grasp the fact that it was about the Easter Bunny. There isn't a whole lot of advertising that i've seen for this movie... then again, I don't watch television that much! Even still, the movies I have seen didn't really show any previews for this movie either... I must have been seeing the wrong movies... The ones about drugs that make you smart and the ones that have samurais with machine guns! So I guess there is a reason that I haven't seen previews for it, lol.

One of the best parts in this movie was David Hasselhoff. He is formally known as "The Hoff" in the movie. If not for anything else, see the movie for him!

In short, this movie was pretty awesome! I mean, who doesn't like cute little bunnies running around? Look at the picture! Isn't that bunny cute!? Not to mention chocolate and other assortments of candy! Plus, for the ladies, James Marsden! The use of animation and live action filming has always been my favorite type. I give this movie a 9 out of 10! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
The only thing that was a bit bothersome was the fact that the bad guy was able to subdue the Easter Bunny's Royal Guard so easily near the end.

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