Wednesday, March 30, 2011

World's oldest couple!!!

The wedding of Rose Pollard and Forrest Lunsway was a surprise for the guests. Most of the 90 people who attended thought they were there just to celebrate Lunsway's 100th birthday.
So apparently the Guinness World Record was broken by a REALLLLLLLY  old couple! The woman is 100 years old and the guy is 90. Crazy, right? Full Article here.

Can you imagine if someone else broke this record? I'm sure some crazy person will get the idea and it'll happen eventually... but for now, they hold the record! They look so frail... I, for one, think that this marriage was a totally grand idea and it is truly a beautiful thing :)

The combined age of this couple is 190 years and 208 days old! I wonder if they can have sex? And if so, who is on top? Neither of them have any kind of stamina for a feat such as that! I, in a way, feel sorry for them because they are married but will probably NEVER have sex... and if they try, they might break a hip or something! I wonder if you can even masturbate at that age? I can't get over the fact that they are such an old couple...

I guess that's cool, though... Love knows no bounds. Another question I have, though, is why they didn't get married before now! They've been dating for 30 years! That's before I was born! It takes some people only 3 months to propose! ...Or 3 minutes if you're drunk in Vegas, lol.

I wish them many happy years together! Though, for some reason, I don't think it's going to last too long. Comments or anything you guys want to add to this?

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