Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Zombie Apocalypse is imminent!

All of the nuclear shenanigans that have been happening in Japan recently lead my brother and I to believe that this may be the start of the Zombie Apocalypse! The idea itself is a little farfetch'd... flesh eating undead going around and eating people. Every time this concept has been illustrated (in movies, video games, books etc..), the zombies seem to over-run our military. I don't know what's more unbelieveable: The fact that we could have reanimated corpses running around or the idea that our military could be over-run by them! Either way, the Zombie Apocalypse is a popular phenomenon that is retold over and over again....
There are always a few common themes in these forms of media. The military over-run, obviously, and then a group of survivors who eventually look for other survivors and/or a cure. There are also a few themes that have been altered or changed dependant on the adaptation. Zombies have been depicted as both running and walking creatures. I would personally prefer walking! In some movies (Dawn of the Dead), animals are unaffected whereas others (Resident Evil), animals can be infected (i.e. The dogs in the third installment).

The Zombie Survival Guide

The Walking Dead tv series on AMC

Left 4 Dead video game

Dawn of the Dead movie

These are just some of the stories that people have told about the Zombie Apocalypse. The upside to this? We'll be better prepared to fight zombies! The downside? It is all probably just fantasy. Whether or not it'll happen is irrelevant to the fact that it is a popular franchise. It's looking that way though... I mean, look at Japan taking more punishment with another 6.5 EARTHQUAKE!!! They are in hot water, my friends, and they could very well be experiencing the start of the apocalypse.

Comments? Concerns? Just out of curiosity, do you have a plan to fight off the zombies and survive as long as humanely possible? If so, share it with me! I'd love to compare. Here is my plan:

1) Drive to Big 5 and pick up a whole mess of guns and ammo. Maybe hit up a few Big 5 stores if time allows. Got to make sure i'm stocked!

2) Gather my friends and family that I know, for a fact, are not infected and get as many of us together as I can.

3) Go to a Costco and shut the big, steel front door! I'll scout inside to make sure there aren't any zombie stragglers, and if there are, i'll just put a bullet in them! Hopefully i'll have other people to help me with this.

4) Go to the roof and check the perimeter of the Costco and Snipe the zombies for fun. Basically wait it out until help arrives or our food runs out,

5) When food runs out, probably go on a journey to try and find other survivors and perhaps a cure.

1 comment:

  1. you forgot the part about, during all the anarchy that the zombies cause, you settle a few scores with people you hate and claim either "I thought my exwife was a zombie so I shot her in the head" defense. or you kidnap those people and use them for bait to lure other zombies to their final resting place.
