Saturday, March 26, 2011

Anyone remember Ogre Battle 64?

From left to right: Hugo, Magnus, Dio, Leia

This right here in one epic game! Obviously, the artwork above is not from the actual game itself since the game was introduced only in 1999 to the N64 gaming system. I have a N64, but unfortunately, this game got lost sometime between the ages of 13 and now, for me! However, it is now available on the Virtual Console that the Nintendo Wii has to offer and I bought it as soon as it came out! Brings back memories...

 Below is probably the better example of what this games graphics were actually like. Not bad for a game that came out in 1999, if you ask me!
Magnus' unit fighting General Godeles' unit!

There are probably some of you that do not know this epic game as well as myself and a few select others! In this game, you start out as Magnus and are put in command of a battalion that consists of a few units. Throughout the game, you can find and have other key players join you in your quest. Some play roles in your storyline whereas others don't. This game is a thrill ride and has SIX different endings, as well as 14 different kinds of creatures that you can get to join your army by fighting and "Talking" or persuading them before they run away or you kill them. You also have 18 different characters that you can get to join you during the game that all require certain criteria be met. Due to these requirements, it's impossible to get all 18 in a single run-through and you'll have to play again and again to get that full experience that us hardcore gamers relish so much!

Diomedes, or Dio,  joins you before the first mission starts and Leia shortly after. Later, you have the option of getting a few more characters that play roles in storyline. Since these characters are probably considered "main" characters due to their vital role in dialog and storyline, you would expect that they would live through the whole game, right? WRONG! It all depends on the actions you take. If you allow them to die in a mission and don't revive them before you beat the mission, they have a high chance of turning into a zombie. While they will still be usable characters, they are significantly weaker and do not take on their respective roles in the storyline. It is also possible to lose Dio by choosing the wrong option when making important decisions. The only person that, if they die, will result in a "game over" is Magnus.

Different class options

Like any other fantasy or RPG game, there are options to change your characters class dependent upon certain requirements. Some classes are specific to gender while others are simply specific to character. For example, Magnus and Dio start off as the "Gladiator" class, which no other character can attain.

The Basic layout of a battlefield map.

During the game's missions, you will enter a map with all of your units starting at your stronghold. Each of the different cities is characterized by one of three colors: Red, Blue, and Green. Red cities are the enemy's! You want to get those! There are also Blue ones, which are the ones you have. You can have one of your units stay there and protect it or, once they have it, just send them on their marry way to take out some more bad guys! The Green ones are neutral and don't usually have to be taken. This lowers Chaos Frame, which is a whole other entity in the game itself. Also, depending on if you "Capture" or "Liberate" depends on your units alignment. It will also effect your Chaos Frame: positively if Liberated and negatively if captured. The ultimate goal of these missions, however, is to get to the enemies main stronghold and defeat the Boss of the level.

Chaos Frame, or CF, is basically effected by the decisions you make (Dialog decisions, Capturing vs Liberating, etc...), where as alignment is completely different. Alignment is only affected by what you do in battle as far as what types of enemies you're attacking (Alignment will go up if you attack stronger enemies and down if you attack weaker). All alignment does is allow you to change your class to one or the other. Example: you need a very high alignment (75-100) to change a character to Paladin class whereas a rather low alignment is required (25-50) to change into something like a Ninja or Black Knight. Chaos Frame decides which ending of the game that you partake in. Keep it up, you get a good ending, but let it fall, and you get a crappy, upsetting ending.

An Organization screen to customize your characters and units

This screen above is used to decide which characters to put in which units and in what position on the battlefield. You can choose to put them in front, middle, or back. As you can see by Europea (above) it states that she will use a Slash attack in all three rows. She will attack 2x in the middle or front row and only 1x if she is in back. Also, her attack power is highest at "33" in the front, "32" in the middle, and "30" in the back. They're stats (Strenght, Vitality, Agility, etc...) are also shown on the left, as well as her level and Hit Points at the top, as well as her class (Centurion). This screen can also be used to equip characters with different equipment that will, most of the time, raise their base stats.

Original N64 gaming box

So basically, that's the gist of Ogre Battle 64. I turned this into a crash course when I only meant to give my opinion on it! This is a great game and if you are looking for something to do in your spare time, get this epic masterpiece for sure! It's a Strategy/RPG game, and we all know those are the best! Have a old N64 collecting dust and want to try out something new? Get this game off e-bay! It's only 800 wii points on the Wii's virtual console, so that comes out to just $10! It's worth the money. Hours of fun and memorable gameplay!

This Fansite will give you more information on what you would like to know.

Leave me your comments! Let me know what you thought! Are you going to buy this game now or does it seem simply not for you?

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