Thursday, March 24, 2011


Casey "The Punisher" Heynes, from Australia, became an internet hero overnight last week when he body slammed a kid, Ritchard Gale, that was picking on him. I don't know what that little kid was thinking picking on someone twice his size like that.

My opinion, as well as many others out there is that "The Punisher" is totally awesome! I think that if every bullied kid stood up for themselves like this we would 1) Have less kids being bullied, and 2) Possibly have more kids in the hospital, which would increase the amount of money the hospital was getting. Two very good reasons for parents to teach this to their kids, in my opinion. I think that parents should show this video to their kids and encourage them to stand up for themselves like this.

We teach our children that violence is NEVER the answer, but sometimes it is just unavoidable. Look at us at war with Iraq. Is violence going on there? I am just going to take a stab in the dark and say that it is! I'm not saying kill the kid who is picking on you, but for sure let them know that if they mess with you, they are going to get hurt.

Full story here.

What I find hilarious also is that the mother of Gale wants Heynes to apologize. Apologize for what? Defending himself? If anything, Gale should have to apologize to Heynes! That's here if you want to read about it.
Comments or congratulatory praise you want to give "The Punisher?" Feel Free.

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