Wednesday, March 30, 2011

World's oldest couple!!!

The wedding of Rose Pollard and Forrest Lunsway was a surprise for the guests. Most of the 90 people who attended thought they were there just to celebrate Lunsway's 100th birthday.
So apparently the Guinness World Record was broken by a REALLLLLLLY  old couple! The woman is 100 years old and the guy is 90. Crazy, right? Full Article here.

Can you imagine if someone else broke this record? I'm sure some crazy person will get the idea and it'll happen eventually... but for now, they hold the record! They look so frail... I, for one, think that this marriage was a totally grand idea and it is truly a beautiful thing :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Zombie Apocalypse is imminent!

All of the nuclear shenanigans that have been happening in Japan recently lead my brother and I to believe that this may be the start of the Zombie Apocalypse! The idea itself is a little farfetch'd... flesh eating undead going around and eating people. Every time this concept has been illustrated (in movies, video games, books etc..), the zombies seem to over-run our military. I don't know what's more unbelieveable: The fact that we could have reanimated corpses running around or the idea that our military could be over-run by them! Either way, the Zombie Apocalypse is a popular phenomenon that is retold over and over again....

Monday, March 28, 2011

Drugs make you smarter???

Over this past weekend, I saw this movie at the AMC in Rancho Cucamonga at the Victoria Gardens. First of all, if you want to know how the movie theatre was, it was very clean! I highly recommend it! I'm actually here to talk about the movie in general. I'm not going to give anything away that already isn't by the movie trailers, but here is a summary just in case you don't understand the trailers.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Anyone remember Ogre Battle 64?

From left to right: Hugo, Magnus, Dio, Leia

This right here in one epic game! Obviously, the artwork above is not from the actual game itself since the game was introduced only in 1999 to the N64 gaming system. I have a N64, but unfortunately, this game got lost sometime between the ages of 13 and now, for me! However, it is now available on the Virtual Console that the Nintendo Wii has to offer and I bought it as soon as it came out! Brings back memories...

 Below is probably the better example of what this games graphics were actually like. Not bad for a game that came out in 1999, if you ask me!
Magnus' unit fighting General Godeles' unit!

Friday, March 25, 2011

I like Taco Bell as much as the next guy... but damn...

So apparently, a man who went to a Taco Bell in San Antonio, Texas ordered a few burritos but was enraged at the inflated price: 50 cents more! I may get a little bit irritated if the price of my favorite food went up by a few bucks, but 50 cents is not a whole lot more money and I would certainly not fire a BB gun at the employee like this crazy guy did!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Casey "The Punisher" Heynes, from Australia, became an internet hero overnight last week when he body slammed a kid, Ritchard Gale, that was picking on him. I don't know what that little kid was thinking picking on someone twice his size like that.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One legged wrestler goes ALL THE WAY!!!!

Over this past weekend, Anthony Robles, a 17 year old kid in high school won the 125 pound national wrestling championship! What's so amazing about this, you ask? Well let me tell you, friends: This kid was born with no right leg! Not only did he win the championship, but he didn't lose a single match this past season! If that's not inspiration, then I don't know what is!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Annoying song?

Rebecca Black's "Friday."

No matter how annoying you may think it is, you can't argue with the 30million+ views it has gotten on youtube in the past month. Yes, it appears that Rebecca Black is the next Youtube star! She has been covered by big time Late Night Talk Show hosts, such as Conan O'Brian, and has also been on Good Morning America!