Sunday, June 19, 2011

Green is the new awesome!

The Green Lantern film was amazing! Granted, it was no Thor, but it was up there as far as the caliber of superhero movies go. Better than Spiderman, not as good as Thor... so somewhere in between there! The Green Lantern focuses on a pilot named Hal Jordon (Ryan Reynolds) who is basically an irresponsible guy given the greatest responsibility in the universe! An alien, Abin Sur, crash lands on Earth and with his dying breath bestows Reynolds with the ring. Reynolds goes through a few twists and turns(literally) as the ring takes him wherever it wants to go. Rather, where he NEEDS to go. After he gets into a street fight and fights all the thugs off with his ring, he is taken to the home planet where The Guardians of the Universe reside along with the rest of The Green Lantern Corp. It is there that some 2000 Green Lanterns gather for meetings and such. There is one Green Lantern for each sector' of the Universe. There are some freaky looking Lanterns, for sure, the silliest among those, a bee!

Abin-Sur. The most powerful Green Lantern in the Corp.

 Typical hero story: Reynolds gets trained, he gives up, he is forced to fight, and he becomes a hero! I love this movie alot because it is basically a growing up story. Emotionally growing up. He doesn't understand why the ring chose him, but his love interest, Lively, sees the reason. "A Green Lantern is supposed to be fearless" says Reynolds, "That's not me." To which Lively responds, "You have the ability to overcome fear." That is what the ring saw in him and it proved to be right. I have the ability to overcome fear... I want a Green Lantern ring :P

One of The Guardians of the Universe

Reynolds love interest is played by Blake Lively and she is smoking hot! There is this one scene where she is all dressed up for like a ceremony or something (shows how much I pay attention) and she is really looking good! The costume design for Hector Hammond, one of the bad guys in the film, was also superb! Very ugly looking! He screams like a girl, though, so that kind of kills it for me.

Hector Hammond

The suit is awesome too! I think i'm going to be The Green Lantern for halloween! I know the oath and everything! "Bright as day and black as night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, Green Lantern's Light!" I don't think any other super hero has an oath. I don't think any other super hero has more than one of them in the Universe, granted! The Green Lantern is a special case, i suppose. I want to be a Green Lantern... he is one of the only super heros without super powers... just a fancy ring!

                                                                         Super kitty!

As far as I can tell, the DC Universe followed the Green Lantern's story to a "T." In recent years, Hal Jordan has been portrayed as a black guy. Now, i'm not racist, but i'm just saying... it's not correct. The Green Lantern was always white! I'm glad they used Ryan Reynolds as opposed to Samuel L. Jackson, playing Nick Fury in the Marvel Universe.

Nick Fury, also, was White!

DC is not owned by Disney, so you can expect more crudeness out of this one than from Thor or from the upcoming Captain America. The funny thing I noticed is that The Green Lantern trailer was in Thor, but the Captain America trailer wasn't in Green Lantern. Funny how that works. DC hates Marvel because Marvel owns, but Marvel is a classy comic book company... they show their competition because they know they own the comic book world!

A picture from the actual crossover comic of Marvel and DC

Anyway, the movie Green Lantern was for sure awesome! The whole family would enjoy it! It is second to Batman in the DC series of movies to come. I would say Superman was already made, but Zack Snyder is remaking it. Like Marvel is leading up to The Avengers, DC will eventually lead up to the Justice League, consisting of Aquaman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, The Flash, and the Green Lantern. Well, those were the original, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know that Hal Jordan has ever been portrayed as an African American. Kyle Rayner is/ was the modern age Green Lantern and he is Aftrican American. Hal Jordan is the Silver Age Green Lantern (my husband's favorite). There was an even older Golden Age Green Lantern whose name was Alan Scott. Wiki is actually a pretty good source for this. I haven't seen Thor yet but I would really like to. I really wish they would get some Top Cow in with this super hero flux in the movies.
