Monday, June 6, 2011

Kitties would use 2500 pennies! Why do humans complain?

Have you ever saved up pennies in hopes that you'd one day be able to pay for something worthwhile? This guy did! Jason West, a man from Utah, tried to pay a $25 medical bill ALL IN PENNIES!!! The interesting thing about this story is that West and the medical facility both have two completely different stories! The facility says that West threw down the pennies and demanded the clerk count them! He, on the other hand, says he never once yelled nor did he demand them to count the pennies. He says he asked if they took cash and only dumped the pennies out after the clerk confirmed. Funny thing was that some of the pennies rolled onto the floor. When West was asked about this, he says, "Such is the nature of pennies. They're round." I love when people pepper the media with common sense! 

Mr. West is now getting sued for 14,000 pennies! Or $140... So dumb how society just made a big deal out of nothing! I think they should just count the pennies and call it a day. Put them back into circulation! That'll save everyone alot of problem and most likely clear up a ton of space in West's Piggy Bank! This is the full story here.

I, for one, think it is very smart to save up that many pennies!
Think about it? How many pennies do we collect daily and just give away as donations or simply just misplace because we don't want to hold onto them? I know that i've gone through many pennies in my 21 years! However, getting a penny saving mechanism is always helpful. I like to go with the classic piggy bank.

What would have helped this guy's cause would be if he were to keep his pennies organized in one of those penny paper roll things like this:

I actually have a hard time figuring out why they even made pennies... I guess to give exact change, but seriously... NOBODY KEEPS PENNIES!!! And if they do, the pennies wind up scattered about the house in couches and under beds and all of those other places... Well, I suppose Kitties can use pennies...

lol, I love kitties! Regardless of whether you like kitties or not, comment on this and tell me if YOU would actually pay with pennies like this guy! Do you think this sueing him for $140 is too drastic? Not drastic enough? Let me know, READERS!!!


  1. I think its stupid for them to sue him. If I had saved up that manuy pennies I would pay off a bill with them, but only for something or some company that I was upset with.

  2. Counting pennies would take sooooooo long its not even funny, not to mention the time wasted. Perhaps if they had a coin sorting machine, that might change things.

  3. I think that is bs what they're doin to West. Pennies, as cheap and annoying as they can be, are still a form of currency, people are just lazy. If he did that at McDonalds he probably would have ended up with the 140 bucks ha

  4. I say the clerk needs to take a chill pill and actually take the pennies and not bitch about it. Although it was a bit of a dick move to pay in pennies, but its funny so the guy slides.
