Thursday, June 30, 2011

Haley Joel Osment STILL sees dead people!

"The Sixth Sense" star is now doomed to see dead people forever as he takes one of the lead roles in the 2012 adaptation of the novel "Wake the Dead" written by Steven Niles. "Wake the Dead" was a graphic novel based off Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," the single most important horror film EVER! For those of you that don't know, Frankenstein started the horror movie phenomenon! "Wake the Dead" focuses on two medical students that try and bring back the dead. Osment plays one of the students, Victor Franklin. Article on Osment and "Wake the Dead" here.

I'm thinking that Haley Joel Osment got stuck into Sci-Fy/Fanatasy type roles in his most notable movies, The Sixth Sense and AI, and it appears that "Wake the Dead" won't be any different. He has also been in "Second Hand Lions" and "Pay It Forward," both pretty sad movies. Haley Joel Osment is also known for voicing Sora in the hit video game produced by Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts. He has voiced Sora in the first and second games as well as all of the spin-off games such as "Birth By Sleep," "368/2 Days," "Recoded," and "Chain of Memories." It's safe to say, though, that Osment has mostly participated in Fantasy type projects. Here is a list of projects he has been on.

For those of you that don't know, Kingdom Hearts is a mix of Disney and Final Fantasy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Charlie Sheen to be killed off!

That's right! The U.S. Government is having Charlie "Sheen killed because he is a menace to society! Nah, just kidding... The "Two and a Half Men" star is being "killed off" in the upcoming season and being replaced by none other than Ashton Kutcher! Full story here.

Poor Charlie Sheen. How would YOU feel if they killed off your character in a sitcom? I would be devastated! I guess it could be worse... they could make you listen to Rebecca Black's "Friday" over and over again!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Making Money for an ugly dog. Who would have thought?

On June 27th, a 14 year old Chinese crested-Chihuahua mix named Yoda won the honor of being the ugliest dog at the 23rd annual contest at the Sonoma-Marin fair in Petaluma, CA. His owner also won $1000 for his ugly dog! What got him this title was his small tufts of hair, protruding tongue, and long, seemingly hairless legs! I guess that's enough to be the ugliest dog... The full story here.

That's one ugly dog, for sure, but I don't know if it qualifies as the ugliest dog i've ever seen! There are plenty of other ugly dogs, and people, in the world. Apparently, they weren't at this contest though. That's good for Yoda and his owner! Yoda gets the title and his owner got $1000! I don't know if getting that title is really an honor or a slap in the face...

I still think this guy holds the world title, though. That's some demonic shizzle!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Green is the new awesome!

The Green Lantern film was amazing! Granted, it was no Thor, but it was up there as far as the caliber of superhero movies go. Better than Spiderman, not as good as Thor... so somewhere in between there! The Green Lantern focuses on a pilot named Hal Jordon (Ryan Reynolds) who is basically an irresponsible guy given the greatest responsibility in the universe! An alien, Abin Sur, crash lands on Earth and with his dying breath bestows Reynolds with the ring. Reynolds goes through a few twists and turns(literally) as the ring takes him wherever it wants to go. Rather, where he NEEDS to go. After he gets into a street fight and fights all the thugs off with his ring, he is taken to the home planet where The Guardians of the Universe reside along with the rest of The Green Lantern Corp. It is there that some 2000 Green Lanterns gather for meetings and such. There is one Green Lantern for each sector' of the Universe. There are some freaky looking Lanterns, for sure, the silliest among those, a bee!