Monday, April 11, 2011

Donald Trump as 2012 presidential candidate?

What a catchy "catch phrase." Play the Trump Card! It's funny, right?

Never mind....

Anyway, I think this idea is... WINNING!!! If Donald Trump runs for president, I am totally going to vote for him. Most of America will vote for him also because, let's be honest, any kind of election is a popularity contest. Political party isn't going to matter in this election. Donald Trump is already well known as it is! I feel sorry for whoever is going to be running against him.
I don't think i'll vote for anyone else unless it turns out he is running against Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, David Spade, or any of those other funny people. Since that is most likely a bust, I would have to say that Donald Trump is probably going to receive more than 70% of the American vote. That's my guess...

Off topic a bit, can you imagine if Jim Carrey were president? That would be awesome! And this is how he would talk during press conferences...

I love that movie... I love Jim Carrey's movies...

Anyway, Donald Trump... Can you imagine him, after being elected, walking into the oval office to see Obama and saying, "You're Fired." That would be hilarious!

Hilarious, right? He needs to just say that with a "fuck you" expression on his face.

What do you guys think? Comments? Opinions? Would you or would you not vote for him?


  1. Well, it sounds cool for Trump to be president, but something in my gut says that if he DOES decide to run, we are screwed.

  2. It doesn't matter if he runs. He will never win. I refuse to believe people in this country would be so irresponsible with their vote.

  3. The thing is... people are irresponsible. Arnold Swarteneger won governor of california, and he probably wasn't the best candidate.

  4. Lately i think it's fair to say Obama wasn't the best choice either, im all for change but the guy thinks hes a freakin celebrity!

  5. Donald Trump kind of is a celebrity, lol. Obama is just a punk from the projects xD jk jk.

  6. Hi Clint, I'm glad you like the Trump 2012 thing I put together. I racked my brain trying to come up with something original and this just seemed to fit the bill.

  7. It really does work! Nice and original! Are you able to track all of those who use this design from your computer or something?
