Wednesday, April 27, 2011

“I flew a football field length in a bath tub”

Just one question... How are you still ALIVE!!! Wow... This woman was picked up by a tornado in North Carolina and flew the lenght of a FOOTBALL field and is STILL alive! Full story here.

Who does she think she is? Indiana Jones??? Except he used a refrigerator, but it was an exceptionally worse situation... he was dealing with a nuclear explosion...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Charlie Sheen's Sex Goddess has lost her status!

Bree Olson "Ex Sex Goddess." Finding half naked pics of this chick is easy. That's what google is for! I know that's what you guys are doing right now... and with the Safe Search "off" no less! My readers are horn dogs xD

This is Bree Olson, adult film star and Charlie Sheen's Ex Sex Goddess. Apparently, she broke up with him via text message. He confirmed this at one of his stage shows on April 23rd at Fort Lauderdale. 1) I give Charlie Sheen major props for being so apathetic of his break up... at least that's how he appeared. 2) It seems like Charlie Sheen, 45, is a little too old for Bree Olson, 24. Just a little link about it here.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rebecca Black is going places!!!

Didn't I tell you guys? The first post on my blog told you that I predicted Rebecca Black would go places!!! According to this article on TMZ's website, Rebecca Black is already slated for 5 more songs! Also according to the article, that puts her a step ahead of Tay Zonday, the ever famous youtube dude who sang "Chocolate Rain," which I thought was a funny song and also got 65 million views!!! Granted, it's been more than three years this song has been on the net, but still impressive... However, compared to Rebecca Black's song "Friday" with 119 Million views in only 2 months... who do you think wins? Regardless, I'll be happy if my blog gets 65 million views in more than three years :)

"Chocolate Rain" by Tay Zonday

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Aliens are among us!!!

And no... i'm not talking about illegal immigrants! I mean actual ALIENS!!! There have been many UFO sightings throughout our history and there have even been movies made about alien abductions and such. The film and t.v industry have obviously used this to their advantage by making movies to illustrate this concept, most well known would perhaps be War of the Worlds, first written as a series of two books in 1898 by H. G. Wells.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kittens and Dolphins!!

So what makes these creatures so amazing, you ask? Well, Dolphins always used to be my favorite kind of animal when I was growing up. I've always wanted to visit with them at Sea World, but alas, i've never had the money! I've seen them in certain aquatic shows that they have at Sea World though, and I also saw some in Maui when I went with my mom. The water was so clear, that you could distinctly see them. The boat we were on was doing full speed and the dolphins were keeping up! It was insane! I was hoping to get up close and personal with one when I went snorkling, but I guess none were around :(

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ADOLF HITLER IS 122 years old!

Just another interesting tidbit I found out today... It's Adolf Hitler's birthday today. If he was still alive, he would be 122 years old. Good thing he is dead, though... that guy was a baaaaaad man!

Mortal Kombat? The ultimate workout song!

If you've heard this song, you're certain not to forget it!

The MK franchise has been around for as long as I can remember, literally... since 1992, starting off as an arcade game and later being picked up to be made into a console game. Since the first game was created with 2-D style fighting and only 8 characters to choose from, the series has developed all the way up to Mortal Kombat 9 with over 30 characters to choose from plus the addition of 3-D style fighting. The series has also introduced three different spin-off games in the series that were more action/adventure oriented:  Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, following the story of the first incarnation of Sub-Zero, Mortal Kombat: Special Forces, following the story of Jax in his mission to destroy the Black Dragon, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, following Liu Kang and Kung Lao. Another game called Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe was also released that chronicled the merging of the two universes and the heroes that came together to restore the balance.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Easter Bunny Rocks out on the drums!

Over this past weekend, I saw the movie "Hop." Like most people, when I first saw the preview for this movie, I thought it was just a movie about rabbits. As it got closer, though, I began to grasp the fact that it was about the Easter Bunny. There isn't a whole lot of advertising that i've seen for this movie... then again, I don't watch television that much! Even still, the movies I have seen didn't really show any previews for this movie either... I must have been seeing the wrong movies... The ones about drugs that make you smart and the ones that have samurais with machine guns! So I guess there is a reason that I haven't seen previews for it, lol.

One of the best parts in this movie was David Hasselhoff. He is formally known as "The Hoff" in the movie. If not for anything else, see the movie for him!

In short, this movie was pretty awesome! I mean, who doesn't like cute little bunnies running around? Look at the picture! Isn't that bunny cute!? Not to mention chocolate and other assortments of candy! Plus, for the ladies, James Marsden! The use of animation and live action filming has always been my favorite type. I give this movie a 9 out of 10! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
The only thing that was a bit bothersome was the fact that the bad guy was able to subdue the Easter Bunny's Royal Guard so easily near the end.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Carly Fleischmann: Autistic Prodigy

I just read this story that was absolutely heart warming. So this autistic girl from Toronto, Canada was diagnosed with Autism at about age 2. Growing up, she was never able to communicate short of flapping her arms and making humming sounds. People started to diagnose her as mentally retarded as well. Very sad. However, when she turned 11, something amazing happened and she typed her first words on a computer! She has been typing ever since. She even has her own blog: Carly's Voice. This girl even has her own Twitter page! I, for one, am following her because, well, she is AMAZING!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Donald Trump as 2012 presidential candidate?

What a catchy "catch phrase." Play the Trump Card! It's funny, right?

Never mind....

Anyway, I think this idea is... WINNING!!! If Donald Trump runs for president, I am totally going to vote for him. Most of America will vote for him also because, let's be honest, any kind of election is a popularity contest. Political party isn't going to matter in this election. Donald Trump is already well known as it is! I feel sorry for whoever is going to be running against him.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ray William Johnson has done it again!

The Main character of Ray's music videos

So as most of you know, if you've been following me, Ray William Johnson has been entertaining people with his amusing videos for a little bit over a year now. Just recently, he started making cartoons for our enjoyment as well. Here is a sample:

                                                                The Stereotype song

That one is my favorite, but obviously there are more. Only a few more, since he just started on January 26th with his debut cartoon/song "My Balls." They are all pretty awesome! Check them out! At the rate he is going now, it looks like he makes one about every 2 weeks or so. They are freaking hilarious! Here is his site.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The best thing since the cow jumped over the moon!

You read right! The story was that apparently a little girl in germany wanted a horse to jump stuff with, but her parents said "NINE NINE NINE!" She was not discouraged by this, but instead trained her COW to jump hurdles. She still has her sights set on a horse, but for now, she is going to be famous for training.... LUNA, THE LEAPING COW!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Amy Adams as Lois Lane!

Some big news is that Amy Adams is set to Lois Lane in Zack Snyder's version of "Superman." I guess when Snyder first talked with Adams, he "knew" that she was the one! He claims that no one else could have played her! Isn't that always the story? It makes the director look like they know what they're talking about... However, i'm not saying that I dislike Amy Adams. In fact, she is one of my favorite actresses! I got down on "Enchanted" about five or six times before it came out on video... and then I bought it!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One epic trip through life...

Characters(from left to right) Babydoll, Sweetpea, Rocket, Blondie, Amber

Action, epicness, and hot chicks all together? That would be Zack Snyder's latest movie, Sucker Punch! I believe that it was given shitty reviews because people today have no imagination! Don't listen to what they say! Critics will be just that... Critics! I highly encourage everyone who hasn't seen the movie to go and see it, or at least add it to your movie collection when it comes out! I think it is worth owning! Check this out...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cage vs. Cons

So there is this MMA event going on called Cage vs. Cons where convicts fight against other law enforcement people like police officers, firefighters, security guards... and they even added Teachers into the mix. This event is state sanctioned and can be seen On Demand or on Pay Per View, pretty much like all the other MMA fights.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Alternate Ending?

So, I kind of take back what I said in my first blog post about Rebecca Black. Sure, she made one song, but then she made ANOTHER song that had pretty much the same beat and it just sounds awful. After listening to that a few too many times, I began to realize just how annoying her voice was. So many of her lyrics don't make any sense, like when she talks about the choice between getting in the front or back seat. It's kind of like, "Get in the back seat, bitch! That's the only one that is open!"

Anyway, I came across this video that I think you will all enjoy. It is the epic alternative ending to Rebecca Black's, "Friday." Enjoy!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ray William who?

Ray William Johnson, that's who! This guy has been on the internet for awhile! People constantly submit viral videos to him and he reviews 3 of them on every episode he has called =3. He makes 2 videos every week and people love him! He gets over 5 million views on every video he does!