Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Annoying song?

Rebecca Black's "Friday."

No matter how annoying you may think it is, you can't argue with the 30million+ views it has gotten on youtube in the past month. Yes, it appears that Rebecca Black is the next Youtube star! She has been covered by big time Late Night Talk Show hosts, such as Conan O'Brian, and has also been on Good Morning America!

Some say this girl is the gender opposite of Justin Bieber, whom also has taken some heat by being called "Gay," among other things. Now, that is an entirely different matter, but I personally like Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black. The music isn't quite my kind of music by any stretch, but I respect them both as artists in their own field, especially since I want to get in the entertainment industry myself!

Getting back to just Rebecca Black, I think she is a good singer. The tune that she shoots her music video in is catchy as well! People that are talking trash on her are just, how should I put this... jealous that they didn't think of the idea first! I predict this girl going places. You can't just expect someone to get 30.5 million views on youtube and NOT get famous for it!

Comments on this new phenomenon? Don't like her? Like her a little too much? Share your thoughts!

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